Flèche rougeEssentials of risk and risk management; risk awareness session through risk identification exercises and tools. Event analysis through root cause analysis, reflections on control design and key risks indicators.


Flèche rougeBusiness Lines


Flèche rougeDr. Ariane Chapelle is active in operational risk since 2000, with business experience acquired in managerial functions in Internal Audit and Risk Management in ING Group and Lloyds Banking Group. She is a also professional trainer with over 20 years experience in teaching academic and executive audiences. She has designed, managed and run operational risk training programmes for international banks and insurance companies and facilitated hundreds of training sessions on operational risk on every continent.

Dr. Chapelle is Honorary Reader at University College London, teaching the course: “Operational Risk Measurement in Financial Services”. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Operational Risk of which she chairs the Sound Practive Guidance Committee.

FORMATION - Programme

1.       Operational Risk Management: scope and essentials

Scope of Operational Risk
Losses, near misses, impacts
Benchmark of operational losses to gross income
Four actions of Risk Management
Attributes of effective risk management

2.        Risk Identification made simple: tools and techniques

Tools and techniques for risk identification
Exposures and Vulnerabilities
The Risk Wheel
Value Drivers

Group work: identify your top risks + class feedback

3.      Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis: the bow tie
Benefits and applications of root cause analysis
Why do we make mistakes? Typology of human errors
Effective or optmistic controls
Prevention by Design

Group work: analyse the root causes of one past incidents, the control failure and lessons learnt + class feedback

4.    Preventive Key Risk Indicators

Essential features of preventive KRIs
KPI, KRI, KCI? Concepts and examples per activity
KRI must address risks, not events: know your risk drivers
Classifying KRIs: Environmental, Stress, Causal and Failure
KRI Design: Frequency - Trigger levels - Ownership - Data accuracy

Group work: discuss your own indicators, define others if relevant + class feedback

5.      Conclusion
What have we learnt? What will we remember? What will we apply?


Flèche rouge1590 euros HT

(prix indicatif variant selon la mise en oeuvre de la formation)


Flèche rouge1 jour


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